01 Wolf At The Door
02 Vultures Descend
03 When Attention Just Isn't Enough
04 Wasted
05 We Are All Fucking Liars
06 Just Breathing
07 Sweatshop
08 Easy Pickings
Arranged By - Justin K Broadrick
Artwork By [Layout] - Aaron Turner
Artwork By [Video Stills] - Justin K Broadrick
Bass - Dave Cochrane
Electronics, Bass [Bowed] - Diarmuid Dalton
Guitar, Drums, Vocals, Drum Programming, Electronics - Justin K Broadrick
Guitar, Vocals, Electronics - Aaron Turner
Mixed By - Justin K Broadrick
Producer - Justin K Broadrick
When the frontmen of two of the heaviest bands get together, they are guaranteed to make something extremely fucking heavy. Jesu mastermind and former Godflesh front man Justin Broadrick and Isis leader Aaron Turner have teamed up to form Greymachine, along with fellow Jesu/Godflesh member Diarmuid Dalton and Head of David's Dave Cochrane. Broadrick and Turner have both been known to maintain a ton of side projects, so it's really no surprise that they'd eventually find each other. The surprising thing is just how annihilatingly desructive and sludged-out the result is. The sound is just filthy and fucking gross; at times you think you are listening to a power electronics release. This is very noisy and if you ask me the perfect timing if you missed the old sounds from Godflesh. Each track has thought and appeal with new forms of instrumentation involved like the bowed bass, and probably a laptop to get some of these sounds but these sounds are distorted, grimy, and brilliant in these new times of metal. This is a hard listen but after stomaching 4 listens straight I can say it is one of the best releases period for 2009. Even though I say this release is noisy, it still carries a rhythm with timing of live drums, bass, and electronics. The combinations are merely exceptional and people in the noise scene will be appalled when they realize how much better this band is then theirs.